response to lecture (revised 4/23/17

i found the guest artist that came to class was a lot more interesting than the speech on Nam June Paik. Paul Shambroom had a really quirky style to his images that i really appreciated and he really knows how to find the best lighting and colors in the room. his pieces on us military weapons and getting access to those military piece is a great example of what art should be and there is never going to be a piece like that again, and that is very special. i see his art as a curious human going about life with a very friendly and open way that makes his images more like a social interaction, even though these images can't talk. there is real heart here and even though sometimes his art is hitting a controversial line, like finding a bunch of info about the lady from the nursing school or using the missing animals art pieces, i think he is just highlighting what is really interesting and unique about this world that often people overlook.


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