New Media Project Proposal
Alexis Clodfelter
Proposal for New Media
April 1st, 2019
For this Class I'm going to continue to work the ideas behind the struggles of making art, failure, and joy, (my senior thesis) because I need to finish my work and I want to keep thinking about it seriously so I don’t want to put too much energy into a new topic when I'm still working hard on this topic. I also think it would be beneficial for me to get critiques from the class because those will happen more often rather than waiting for the salon. Maybe I'll collaborate with my classmates about this concept too, I am open to that if anyone is willing.
As for my back up idea I was thinking about exploring poetry, religion, balance, and immortality because I conducted and an interview with Liisa Nelson for my ceramic class last term. I found it to be inspiring for more reason than just one; so I want to take a page from her book and explore poetry and Daoism as well as a separate project once my work for the show starts to come to an end. I’ve always been interested in these concepts and studied more about it when I was completing my associate degree at college of DuPage. I’ve been drawing alot of inspiration too from the game Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice as it talks about Immortality and corruption. I wanted to work with these concepts in an aesthetic way rather than just high concept like my senior show work, so I was thinking about doing paintings, but for this class I might do robotics and animation to talk about this too.
- Week 1 March 25- 31: epoxy toys to canvas and together, paint more toys, shop for materials
- Week 2 April 1- 7: acquire lights, sand, paint more toys, finish “failure” , edit film, start new film
- Week 3 April 8- 14: paint more toys, set up installation/prepare installations, acquire life size doll or just feet, acquire bike
- Week 4 April 15-21: nail piece for sculpture, edit pieces, more time to go over installation and prepare Fact sheet, Paint toys, finish “ on the art of life and vise versa”
- Week 5 April 22- 28: edit pieces or continue to set up work, paint toys, continue to prepare installation, turn in Fact Sheet
- Week 6 April 29- May 5: finish everything!!!
- Week 7 May 6- May 12: final touches!!!
- Week 8 May 13- May 19: install show, begin research on poetry and Daoism, purchase canvas, begin painting.... or continue to work with original concept and keep doing research about that
- Week 9 May 20- 26: continue research, sketches, write... or continue to work with original concept and keep doing research
- Week 10 May 27- June 2: Write and Present presentation on the connection between Daoism and poetry and my work, or how your work has evolved from your original concept. Have 2 pieces ready to talk about.
Failure by Lisa Le Feuvre, On the Art of Life and Vice Versa, the Artist Joke by Le Feuvre, Art and Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland, “Artful Jesters” by Nicholas Roukes, “Simulations” by Jean Baudrillard, Judith Scott, liisa Nelson, Mike Kelly, Nicki DeSanphalle, Martin Creed, John Baldessari, Haim Steinbach, Leonardo Drews, The Art Guys, Cindy Sherman, Laurie Simmons, Alexander Calder, Robert Arneson, C. W. Hurni, Gina Kamentsky, (a lot of Artist from Artful Jesters), the interviews I’ve conducted, talking with people, Crit Groups, my own knowledge and experience. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice from Softwear
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